New and Used Acoustic Pianos for Sale
Acoustic pianos have so much to offer in terms of sound that a digital can't replicate, but they do require more care and maintenance. Please plan for your piano to be tuned at least once a year (twice is helpful due to temperature/humidity shifts!). All keys must be in working order. Be cautious with online / marketplace purchases - I always recommend that you have a technician evaluate the piano before purchasing!
To purchase a new or used acoustic piano, I recommend:
Upper Valley Uprights (Lyme, NH)
Old Timey Piano Craft (Brattleboro, VT) - contact Patrick Branstetter
Darrell's Music Hall (Nashua, NH)
Hilbert Pianos (Bristol, VT)
To purchase a new or used acoustic piano, I recommend:
Upper Valley Uprights (Lyme, NH)
Old Timey Piano Craft (Brattleboro, VT) - contact Patrick Branstetter
Darrell's Music Hall (Nashua, NH)
Hilbert Pianos (Bristol, VT)
Piano Rental / Leasing
I recommend Upper Valley Uprights. The owner is the father of two of my current students and is wonderful to work with!
Digital Pianos
Digital pianos can be very convenient. They save space, don't require tuning, and students can play them with headphones on! That said, it's important that the model you select meets these minimum requirements:
If you are able to invest in a higher-end digital piano (typically $2000-3k) please let me know and I'll be happy to make recommendations. Yes, you get what you pay for but make sure your paying for the right features!
- 88 weighted keys
- Pedal (firmly attached, NOT square pedal)
- Piano is on a sturdy stand that allows legs to comfortably be placed under the keyboard (NOT X-stand)
- Adjustable bench (you may have to buy this separately! See accessories)
If you are able to invest in a higher-end digital piano (typically $2000-3k) please let me know and I'll be happy to make recommendations. Yes, you get what you pay for but make sure your paying for the right features!
Pianos & Technicians
Adam Patridge / [email protected] /
Based in Lyme, NH
Pamela Ely / [email protected] /
Based in Etna, NH
Emerson Gale / /
Skip Downing / [email protected]
Based in Lebanon, NH
Find a registered piano technician in your area here: (search by zipcode)
Based in Lyme, NH
Pamela Ely / [email protected] /
Based in Etna, NH
Emerson Gale / /
Skip Downing / [email protected]
Based in Lebanon, NH
Find a registered piano technician in your area here: (search by zipcode)